Website Audit Information Form

Hi there! 

Thanks for signing up for a website audit! This is a great start to any project with Surelutions, and also as a stand alone health report for your website.

Your website audit includes:

  • Extensive evaluation of website performance, security, and technology
  • Comprehensive report identifying problems and opportunities
  • Consulting call to review results and discuss recommendations
  • Detailed report with action items and next steps


  • WordPress security and technical assessment
  • 2 hours of WordPress updates

What we need from you to get started:

Questions? Email Leslie at

Ready to get started? Let's go!

Website Audit Information

Not necessarily your formal mission, but what's the purpose of your organization? What problems do you solve and/or who do you help?
When someone is searching Google, what search words or phrase would you like to be found under? Or, share a few words that describe what you offer (e.g. "dance classes for children" or "senior living apartments").
City and state (and country if outside U.S.) where you're located, or where is your target audience? This is info Google uses to see if you're listed in the right place.
What company is hosting your website? This might be something like GoDaddy, Bluehost, WP Engine, or other.
What is the most important step you'd like someone to take on your website? (e.g. send an inquiry, purchase, donate, register)
If someone isn't ready to connect with you directly, what's the next best thing they can do? (e.g. subscribe to mailing list, follow you on social media, download guide)
Can you provide WordPress access?
Are you able to provide administrative access to your WordPress website so I run a technical assessment?
If I could wave a magic wand and fix three things about your website, what would you put at the top of your list?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

* Part of your Website Audit is a technical assessment of WordPress settings and security. A few notes on that:

  • To provide access, add Leslie as a new admin user. Be sure the admin role is selected, and check the "send user notification" box.
  • Once I have access to your website, we'll install two plugins. One to make a backup, and one to run the audit. Once complete, both plugins can be safely removed.
  • We will not make any other changes to your website during the audit review